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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Back to Process

Back at it again!  I think it has been many years since I sat down to write out any of the matters of my heart.  I have some secret entries on my computer downstairs, as a few years ago I began writing a book and had been working on that rather than my blog.  However, the journey with the book in itself has been difficult as I feel a book should have a happy ending and at this point there is still some loose ends to tie up so not sure how to end the book. :)  Guess that is the HALLMARK heart in me, always desiring that beautiful picture and amazing perfect ending where EVERYONE is happy. Not promised to us, just something I dream of.  

What brings me back to writing?  God told me to write.  A few years ago He told me to write.  He told My husband and I to both start writing.  To share our stories.  The first problem is that often when you share your stories with the world, you feel this need to kind of already have it all together.  We both started books, but not sure how to wrap them up or end them.  Neither of us feel like our books are anything anyone else wants or needs to hear. We keep asking ourselves "why would anyone want to read this mess?"  hahah.  We keep asking God HOW He wants us to go about this and we realized we need to be obedient and start writing so this may be our outlet.  

I do know I NEED an outlet to start getting the things on my heart out there because, God Knows I am dumping without filter on ANYONE who says HI to me lately.  SO I apologize now for anytime you have tried to slightly say something in passing to me and an hour later I am still ranting or talking unfiltered!  :)  I truly need an outlet!  Maybe if I can share some stuff on here I will then not be compelled to pounce on a lady I don't know, in the parking lot of our two sons getting their wisdom teeth out, standing there with drugged up bleeding sons, while we pray and talk and cry together! (sorry Lady, but not sorry, it was a God orchestrated meeting!) 

So this is my entry back in to the blogging world!  I am excited. I will be posting because I am excited about what God is doing in this time with HIS PEOPLE. Are we in hard times?  YES, but we are also in very pivotal times of GOD moving!!!!! I can't wait to talk about these matters of the heart.  GOD is on the move and I love love love to talk about HIM.  So this is my warning, this will be unfiltered and it will be open and honest.  The times are here and we need to be ready!  Excited to process openly!